My Portfolio | Pavan Akurathi

Professional with extensive experience and versatility as a freelancer, open source contributor, and team leader. Profi- cient in a variety of areas such as healthcare, e-commerce, and social media applications, with a reputation for adapt- ability, fast-paced learning, and a collaborative work style.

Github Profile


Loyality based b2b application

Been with a team to built a loyality b2b application

  • Nestjs
  • Nextjs
  • vercel


Verselet is an online coding platform. I developed core back-end functionalities to improve the stability of the platform, and added features in the compiler and validations in the authentication page. Also, I created and optimised database models.

  • Flask
  • Mysql

Bucker Lab

Bucker is an audio streaming website which is currently testing phase. Designed and Developed user authentication page including login, logout, signup and password settings. Worked on music-room feature. Integrated YouTube APIs with the application to stream songs. Designed databases models in MySQL

  • Flask
  • Mysql
  • Tailwand Css

Your Token

This is an nft shopping website which is under development phase

  • Next Js
  • Tailwind Css
  • scss
  • Typescript

Resort Application

It is a simple resort application built with react js with constant data

  • React
  • Express
  • Mongodb

Todo App

Built a todo application using mern application.

  • React
  • Express
  • Mongodb

Digital Clock

Built a digital clock with mesmerising ui

  • Html
  • Css
  • JavaScript

Google Clone

Using Next.js and Tailwand css built a Full stack web application. To built this google search api taken part in server side rendering.

  • Next js
  • Tailwand CSS
  • React

Rock Paper Scissors Game

I have Built a simple game completely using java script dom, css and html

  • Html
  • Css
  • JavaScript


I have worked on range of technologies in the web development from Back-end to Design

  • Front-end

    Experience with
    React.js and Next js
    Tailwind css and material ui
    Bootstrap and styled components

  • Back-end

    Experience with
    Django, Flask
    Node, Nestjs
    mongo db, Docker
    graphql, mysql

  • Others

    Experience with
    Firebase and Heroku
    Pyhonanywhere and Github
    render and aws
    vecel and netlify

About Me

Professional with extensive experience and versatility as a freelancer, open source contributor, and team leader. Profi- cient in a variety of areas such as healthcare, e-commerce, and social media applications, with a reputation for adapt- ability, fast-paced learning, and a collaborative work style.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects




Github Followers


Github Stars

Innovating one project at a time